Digital Appliances [Happiness Counter] to win "Good Design Award 2012" and "2012 GOOD DESIGN Best100"


CSL's research [Hapiness Counter] was awarded the "Good Design Award 2012" and "2012 GOOD DESIGN Best100" from the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

[Hapiness Counter] is a new digital appliance design that naturally facilitates making smiles in our daily life. Example on display this time is a refrigerator that does not open unless one smiles. For details please see here.

HapinessCounter0.jpg* Award-winning item : Digital Appliances [Happiness Counter]
* Principal implementing business : Sony Computer Science Laboratories, inc.
* Category : Game or Software for life
* Producer : Jun Rekimoto
* Director : Hitomi Tsujita
* Designer : Yoshio Ishiguro, Hitomi Tsujita, Jun Rekimoto
# [Hapiness Counter] uses face recognition technology developed by Sony Corporation.

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