SonyCSL New York Symposium

SonyCSL ニューヨークシンポジウム_01

First Symposium in the United States

Sony Computer Science Laboratories (Sony CSL) held its first-ever symposium in the United States in September, 2014. Select researchers addressed three key themes: Global Agenda, Human Augmentation and Exploring Creativity.


Held in Theater 2 of the Museum of Modern Art in New York on 22 September 2014, the symposium ran from 3 pm to 6:30 pm and was attended by more than 150 people, including scientists, educators, students, journalists and Sony employees. It was followed by a reception in the Ronald S. and Jo Carole Lauder Lobby. The symposium program, facilitated by Yoko Honjo and Adam Fulford, was as follows:

"Think Extreme" Hiroaki Kitano
"Open Energy Systems - A Peer-to-Peer Electricity Grid" Annette Werth
"Synecoculture - Human Augmentation of Ecosystems" Masatoshi Funabashi
"Habitable Bits - Interactive Cities of the Future" Yuichiro Takeuchi
"The First 25 Years of Sony CSL and Open Systems Science" Mario Tokoro & Adam Fulford
"A New You - Dawn of the Augmented Human" Jun Rekimoto
"Hack the Body - Prosthesis as Augmentation Technology" Ken Endo
"The Way of Play - Interactive Aesthetics" Alexis André
"Style Cryogenics - The Future of Music Assets?" François Pachet
