人とコンピュータが融合することで生み出される“新たな人間性“に着目し、コンピュータ科学と人間科学の両側面からのアプローチを試みる「Cybernetic Humanity」の探求を行う笠原研究員。現在はOIST(沖縄科学技術大学院大学)にて「Cybernetic Humanity Studio」を開き、研究を進めています。2024年6月24日には、昨年と同じく公開セミナーとオープンラボが行われました。
Transboundary Workshop on Human Augmentation
本イベントは、人間拡張とヒューマン インタラクションの分野の研究者間の交流を促進することを目的として、OIST のビジティング プログラム (TSVP)、The Special Interest Group on Human Augmentation (SIG-HA)、Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - ソニーCSL) の主催で開催されました。
続いて、栗田 雄一博士による講演 "Physical Human Machine Interface for Human Augmentation"では、栗田先生の取り組む様々な人間拡張にまつわる研究が紹介されるとともに、社会実装の取り組みとして、リハビリ現場での応用や、企業などで実際に活用されている事例、超人スポーツへの展開なども紹介されました。
そののち、TSVP Visiting ScholarのPedro Lopes博士による講演"Integrating Interactive Devices With the User's Body"では、コンピューターを活用して、ユーザーの身体を認知的にだけでなく物理的にも拡張する研究に取り組むペドロ氏が、Computer Deviseの歴史を紹介しながら、ウェアラブルデバイスに代わる次のインターフェースがどのようなものになるか議論がなされました。また、これまで笠原研究員と共同で取り組んできた人間拡張と主体感の研究に関しても紹介されました。
同じくTSVP Visiting Scholarの白土 寛和博士による講演"Social Dynamics of Human-AI Hybrids"では、主に人間とAIが共存した中での社会的規範に関する2つの研究に焦点を当てて紹介されました。1つは、カラーコーディネーションゲーム(集団において隣り合う人とは違う色を選択する必要のある協調ゲーム)に関するAI Agentが与える影響に関する研究、もうひとつは白土氏が笠原研究員と取り組む半自動運転(自動操縦アシスト機能や自動ブレーキアシスト機能)に関する協調実験に関する研究が紹介され、AIによるサポートが社会的協調ダイナミクスを根本的に変え、個人と集団の利益のバランスに影響を与える可能性についての議論が展開されました。
その後、笠原研究員によるOISTでの研究活動についての紹介とその後に続く自身の研究紹介オープンラボの紹介が行われました。これまでのCybernetic Humanityを基軸にした研究トピックに加え、OIST内でのコラボレーション研究に関しても紹介されました。
その後、OISTのTom Froese准教授によるクロージングと続きました。トム氏により、HCI(人間とコンピュータの相互作用)を用いた人間の能力拡張について、適応行動、人間の思考など多角的な視点での考察を述べられ、5時間を超える白熱したセミナーが終了しました。
OISTのTSVPでは、あらゆる科学分野から優れた研究専門家を招くことで研究者や学生を含めた活発な交流が起こる事を目指しています。実際にTSVP Talk2本を含む本セミナーでは、多様なバックグラウンドを持つ聴衆が多く参加し、どの講演でも活発な質疑応答が行われました。

Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine
Cybernetic Humanity Studio Open Lab

Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine
Cybernetic Humanity Projectメンバーそれぞれが、最新の研究デモンストレーションを行い、参加者と活発な議論を交わしました。

既に多くの人がCybernetic Humanity Studioを訪れており、笠原研究員と対話を重ねています。今後更なる交流とそこから生まれる研究成果が期待されます。
本イベントを終えた笠原研究員は「今年2回目となるセミナーとオープンラボは、様々な分野の研究を相互に繋ぎ、相互に越境をする、Cybernetic Humanity Studioが目指す研究の方向性をより明確に示せた非常に実りあるものとなりました。この素晴らしい機会の実現に際してOISTと日本VR学会 SIG-HAに大変感謝致します。この場で生まれた、コンピュータ科学と人間科学の様々な繋がりが、Cybernetic Humanity Studioのみならず研究コミュニティ全体に資することを期待しております。」と語りました。
"Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine"

Researcher Kasahara explores "Cybernetic Humanity," focusing on the "new humanity" created by the integration of humans and computers, and approaching this from both computer science and human science perspectives. He is currently advancing his research at OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University) by hosting the "Cybernetic Humanity Studio." On June 24, 2024, a public seminar and open lab were held, same as last year.
Transboundary Workshop on Human Augmentation
This event is aimed to promote interaction among researchers in the fields of human augmentation and human interaction. It was organized by OIST's Visiting Program (TSVP), The Special Interest Group on Human Augmentation (SIG-HA), and the Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL).
The public seminar began with a presentation by Professor Nicholas Luscombe from the Office of Dean of Research (ODoR). He introduced OIST’s operational policies, the formation of networks with domestic and international universities and research institutions, unique research support grants, and explained the TSVP.
Next, Dr. Yuichi Kurita gave a lecture titled "Physical Human Machine Interface for Human Augmentation," where he introduced various research on human augmentation he is involved in. He also discussed efforts in societal implementation, including applications in rehabilitation, examples of actual usage in companies, and developments in superhuman sports.
Subsequently, Dr. Pedro Lopes, a TSVP Visiting Scholar, delivered a lecture titled "Integrating Interactive Devices With the User's Body." He discussed how he uses computers to not only cognitively but also physically extend the user's body. He reviewed the history of Computer Devices and discussed potential future interfaces that could replace wearable devices. He also introduced the research on human augmentation and the sense of agency he has been working on in collaboration with Researcher Kasahara.
Dr. Hirokazu Shirato, also a TSVP Visiting Scholar, presented "Social Dynamics of Human-AI Hybrids," focusing on two studies regarding social norms in a world where humans and AI coexist. One study explored the impact of AI agents in a color coordination game (a cooperative game where participants must choose a different color than their neighbors), and the other examined cooperative experiments on semi-autonomous driving (automatic steering assist and automatic brake assist functions) conducted with Researcher Kasahara. The discussion highlighted how AI support could fundamentally change social cooperative dynamics and influence the balance between individual and collective interests.
Researcher Kasahara then introduced his research activities at OIST and the subsequent open lab showcasing his research. In addition to past research topics based on Cybernetic Humanity, he also discussed collaborative research within OIST.
The seminar concluded with remarks from Associate Professor Tom Froese of OIST, who discussed human capacity enhancement using HCI (human-computer interaction) from various perspectives, such as adaptive behavior and human thinking. This concluded an intense seminar that spanned over five hours.
During the seminar, Researcher Kasahara commented on the event as follows: "One of the crucial points in our research strategy is the circulation of actualizing research and presenting it to society. I believe it is essential to build new systems that integrate humans and computers, present them as experiences to society, and clarify the questions that arise from them through research. By comparing our research to diverse societies and observing and analyzing how people behave and feel, we can obtain many research questions that should be addressed. Therefore, I aimed to create such a cycle at this event by combining excellent research lectures and an open lab from various researchers."
At OIST's TSVP, it aims to stimulate active interaction by inviting outstanding research experts from all scientific fields. In this seminar, which includes two TSVP Talks, many participants with diverse backgrounds joined and lively Q&A sessions were held at each lecture.

Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine
Cybernetic Humanity Studio Open Lab
The open lab was held in the research lab where Researcher Kasahara conducts his studies. Fourteen demos, including ten unpublished projects, were exhibited.
Participants experienced the demos freely, expressing surprise as they questioned their own perceptions and identities. Heated discussions took place between members and participants.

Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine
Members of the Cybernetic Humanity Project exhibited the latest research demonstrations and engaged in lively discussions with the participants.

Many people have already visited the Cybernetic Humanity Studio, engaging in dialogues with Researcher Kasahara. We expect further interactions and research outcomes to emerge from these exchanges.
Many people also participated in the open lab, and active discussions took place even during break times. After the event, Researcher Kasahara commented, "This second seminar and open lab this year were very fruitful, clearly demonstrating the direction of research aimed at by the Cybernetic Humanity Studio, which connects and transcends various research fields. I am very grateful to OIST and the Japan VR Society SIG-HA for making this wonderful opportunity possible. I hope the connections between computer science and human science that emerged here will benefit not only the Cybernetic Humanity Studio but also the entire research community."
"Photo: OIST/Jeff Prine"